I was recently asked if I could take Sorority Recruitment or Rush Photos. YES! Of Course I can! Here are some tips in general about recruitment photos. If you are going to make a big decison like rushing for a sorority, than you want to make the most of your application.
Q. Why do they require a photo?
A. With so many girls applying, its hard for them to keep track of who is who. It helps if they can put a name and a face together. Imagine you were just at a recruitment event, and you had an AMAZING conversation with one of the girls, but she can't remember your name! OH NO! Well, that's why you need a picture ;) and you probably want it to look like YOU. So don't use a snapshot you were tagged in on Facebook!
Q. What should this Sorority Application Picture look like?
A. Umm, YOU. You want it to be RECENT, PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY AND CLASSY. No i-phone photos wearing a tie-died T-Shirts and Clown Makeup from Halloween (unless you actually dress that way)!, and NO GLAMOUR SHOTS! You want to look like you do in real life, so that you can be recognized easily.
A beautiful picture is only likely to improve your chances of getting invited back to chapters or receiveing a bid for membership if it actually LOOKS LIKE YOU DURING RECRUITMENT. A bad pictue, could both hurt your first impression and negatively impact your application. Remember, most times these images are revisited several times throughout the recruitment process.
"Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, be it the right one or the wrong one, and potentially a thousand sisters!"